Schlagwort: Alexis Tsipras
"...Uneingeschränkter Jubel kommt nur von ganz links - ungeachtet der Kehrtwende des SYRIZA-Chefs, der sich trotz eines ablehnenden Referendums auf die Bedingungen der internationalen Gläubiger eingelassen hatte, um Griechenlands Verbleib in der Euro-Gruppe zu ermöglichen. "Tsipras hat sich mit Nachdruck für die Interessen der griechischen Bevölkerungsmehrheit gegenüber ihren Gläubigern eingesetzt, die Rückzahlbedingungen für die untragbare Schuldenlast verbessert und die Ärmsten und Schwächsten in den Mittelpunkt seiner …
weiterlesen "Presseschau: Wahlsieg SYRIZA’s"
weiterlesen "Presseschau: Wahlsieg SYRIZA’s"
The European United Left/Nordic Green Left (GUE/NGL) congratulates Syriza and Alexis Tsipras on their victory in the Greek elections yesterday.The people of Greece gave Syriza and Tsipras a strong mandate to continue to govern and their election victory gives strength to the struggle to overcome austerity and unemployment, as well as to implement social policies that better serve the needs of the people of Greece.
The left government in Greece has been entrusted to further implement its …
weiterlesen "Victory of SYRIZA gives Tsipras strong mandate to continue struggle to overcome austerity in Greece"
weiterlesen "Victory of SYRIZA gives Tsipras strong mandate to continue struggle to overcome austerity in Greece"
Gabi Zimmer, Vorsitzende der Linksfraktion GUE/NGL im Europaparlament, zum Wahlsieg der linken SYRIZA in Griechenland:
„Ich gratuliere Alexis Tsipras und unseren Freundinnen und Freunden von SYRIZA herzlich zu diesem Wahlsieg! Die griechische Bevölkerung hat der linken SYRIZA erneut mit einer großen Mehrheit das Vertrauen ausgesprochen. Alexis Tsipras hat sich mit Nachdruck für die Interessen der griechischen Bevölkerungsmehrheit gegenüber ihren Gläubigern eingesetzt, die Rückzahlbedingungen für die untragbare Schuldenlast verbessert und die Ärmsten …
weiterlesen "Herzlichen Glückwunsch, SYRIZA!"
weiterlesen "Herzlichen Glückwunsch, SYRIZA!"
Jeremy Corbyn's ascension to the leadership of the UK’s Labour Party is a sign that something hopeful is happening in the Socialists & Democrats, Gabriele Zimmer said in an interview with EurActiv Greece.
Gabriele Zimmer is the President of GUE/NGL in the European Parliament. She spoke to Sarantis Michalopoulos.
The latest bailout deal reached between Athens and its international creditors resulted in SYRIZA’s breakup. Another leftist party emerged after the referendum in Greece, whose members are still opposing austerity measures. What is …
weiterlesen "Zimmer: Something is changing in the S&D"
weiterlesen "Zimmer: Something is changing in the S&D"
"...Chair of Confederal Group of the European United Left Gabriele Zimmer will also address the crowd showing her support for the former prime minister..."
You can find the full text article "Leaders of EU Left Parties to Support Tsipras during pre-election speech" on the webpage of Sputnik News.
"...Chair of Confederal Group of the European United Left Gabriele Zimmer will also address the crowd showing her support for the former prime minister..."
You can find the full text article "Leaders of EU Left Parties to Support Tsipras during pre-election speech" on the webpage of Sputnik News.
Fabio De Masi im Interview mit dem RBBNach dem Rücktritt von Griechenlands Regierungschef Alexis Tsipras steht dessen Partei Syriza vor der Spaltung. Fabio De Masi, EU-Abgeordneter der Links-Partei, hält das für "sehr bedauerlich", wie er am Freitag im Inforadio sagte. Aus der parteiinternen Debatte möchte er sich aber heraushalten. Für ihn gehe es nun mehr darum, "ob wir nicht ein neues europäisches Währungssystem brauchen, in dem eine demokratisch gewählte Regierung nicht mehr der Erpressung der EZB ausgeliefert ist."
Das Interview mit dem RBB ist …
weiterlesen "SYRIZA-Spaltung ist bedauerlich"
weiterlesen "SYRIZA-Spaltung ist bedauerlich"
Gabi Zimmer, President of the GUE/NGL group in the European Parliament, declared today:
"Yesterday the Bundestag decided to support the agreement by the Eurogroup concerning the 3rd so-called aid package to Greece. The consequences for the Greek people and their economy will be hard.
Our fight goes on. Greece was only the starting point for the neoliberal programmes against social justice and democracy. Schäuble and others lost their political power game when they tried to push Greece out of the Euro. A “Grexit” would have been a catastrophe, especially for poor …
weiterlesen "Our fight goes on!"
weiterlesen "Our fight goes on!"
After yesterday's vote in the Greek Parliament and in the run-up to the votes in some Member States' parliaments, GUE/NGL President Gabi Zimmer said:GUE/NGL President Gabi Zimmer: "If I had been a member of the Greek Parliament I would have voted in favour of the agreement with the creditors because a no vote would mean a de-facto exit from the Eurozone for Greece. Such an exit would have catastrophic consequences for the people, the economy, and the political landscape in Greece. Poor people, those already hit hardest by the crisis would be the …
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weiterlesen "We need a European Germany, not a German Europe"
After finding a last-minute agreement that prevents Greece from an uncontrolled exit out of the Eurozone, thereby deepening the humanitarian crisis and the economic recession, GUE/NGL President Gabi Zimmer said:
"It is a success for the Greek Government that the reprofiling of Greek debt is included into the agreement despite resistance by the German Government and other hardliners to deal with the unsustainable debt at all."
"The Eurogroup now has to find an immediate way to provide the bridge financing that Greece needs …
weiterlesen "Last-minute agreement prevents Greece from being pushed into a Grexit"
weiterlesen "Last-minute agreement prevents Greece from being pushed into a Grexit"