Schlagwort: EU-Afghanistan-Deal

GUE/NGL MEPs have condemned the proposals presented yesterday by the European Commission and the High Representative on new actions in cooperation with Libya that aim to block people from reaching Europe.   The proposed actions (which could be called an EU-Libya deal) focus mostly on supporting border control and interception of refugees and migrants, and are expected to cost around 200 million euros. Today and tomorrow, national justice and home affairs ministers are holding an informal council meeting in Malta to …
weiterlesen "GUE/NGL MEPs condemn new proposals on dirty deal with Libya on refugees"
GUE/NGL MEPs denounced in strong terms the EU agreement with the Afghan government that allows member states to deport an unlimited number of the country’s asylum seekers, and obliging the Afghan government to receive them. A memo leaked earlier had shown that the EU threatened to strip Afghanistan of aid if the country rejected the deal.   Speaking in the European Parliament debate in response to the Commission statement on the issue, GUE/NGL MEP Malin Björk called the deal “unethical and irresponsible”, contending …
weiterlesen "GUE/NGL blasts ‘shameful’ EU blackmail of Afghan asylum seekers"
Sabine Lösing, Koordinatorin der Linksfraktion GUE/NGL im Ausschuss für Äußere Angelegenheiten (AFET), am 26. Oktober im Straßburger Plenum:   "Schon wieder ein Abschiebe-Deal à la EU-Türkei, der zeigt worum es gehen soll. Der „Gemeinsame Weg nach vorne bei Migrationsfragen“ hat das Ziel: Die EU-Staaten sollen künftig deutlich einfacher geflüchtete Menschen nach Afghanistan zurückschicken. Bezüglich der Lage in Afghanistan ist nur eines wirklich sicher, nämlich, dass sie nicht sicher ist. Afghanistan ist kein sicherer Drittstaat - dies zu …
weiterlesen "Schon wieder ein Abschiebe-Deal"