A Transatlantic Gathering of Local & Public Representatives
The European Parliament, Brussels
A Transatlantic Gathering of Local & Public Representatives
The European Parliament, Brussels
October 20, 2016
Invitation on behalf of MEPs Yannick Jadot (Greens/EFA), Marie Arena (S&D),
Helmut Scholz (GUE), Tiziana Beghin (EFDD) & the TTIP Free Zones European Network
For registration please visit the Green/EFA website
Public Event (Tent on the Esplanade)
10:00: Registration opens
11:00: Press Event
Joint Statement by MEP, A European Mayor, Canadian Representative & Civil Society Representative
11:30: Public Signing of Statement against CETA, TTIP by mayors, MEPs, Canadian Representative & Civil Society Representative
12:00: Launch of new study on CETA/ Press interview time with mayors/MEPs
12:30: CETA-free lunch
Provided by Slowfood, focusing on challenges CETA poses for sustainable agriculture
Afternoon Conference, European Parliament
13:15 – 13:45: registration and access for guests, at EP Luxembourg Entrance.
“Raising our voices against CETA”
14:00: Opening welcome by MEP(s)(Room JAN 2Q2)
14:15: New economic assessments, Pierre Kohler, Tufts University
14:30: Roundtable debate with representatives from European cities and regions
15:15: coffee break / Mayors interviews with press
15:30: Introduction note by MEP(s)
15:30: Panel I: Exclusive Investor Rights & the Impact on Local Democracy
Professor Angus Van Harten, Professor Harms Schrepel, Scott Sinclair (Center for Policy Alternatives Canada)
16:15: Q&A
16:30: Panel II: CETA: the Impact of Services Liberalisation on Local Authorities
Penny Clarke, EPSU, Stuart Trew, Centre for Policy Alternatives (Canada)
17:15: Q&A
17:30: Closing of the Summit: next steps
The event will be livestreamed
For registration please visit the Green/EFA website
For further information, please contact simon.mckeagney@europarl.europa.eu