„…On behalf of the leftist GUE/NGL group, President Gabriele Zimmer said the German-French engine was stalling, and that the speeches of Merkel and Hollande weren’t inspiring.

Zimmer said: „25 years ago your predecessors Chancellor Kohl and President Mitterrand took a joint initiative here to promote the European integration process against the backdrop of democratic movements in Eastern Europe. But times have changed. For many, both of you represent an „Old Europe“ that has failed.“

Addressing Merkel, Zimmer said: „You shoulder a lot of responsibility that the Community method has been gradually replaced by the Union method. This had led to a division of Europe into politically and economically strong and weak member states. You say that the EU has led to more prosperity; no, recently the EU has increased poverty in the south and this has brought about a split in the EU. The people reject an EU where Financial Ministers now dictate how solidarity and living conditions have to be understood…“

You can find the full text article „Merkel, Hollande call for unity against nationalism“ on the webpage of Euractiv.

SPUTNIK NEWS, 8. Oktober 2015

„…However, the leader of the socialist GUE/NGL group, Gabi Zimmer — herself German — said:

„25 years ago your predecessors Chancellor Kohl and President Mitterrand took a joint initiative here to promote the European integration process against the backdrop of democratic movements in Eastern Europe. But times have changed. For many, both of you represent an ‚Old Europe‘ that has failed.“…“

You can find the full text article „Merkel and Hollande Branded as ‚Old Europe‘ in Split Union“ on the webpage of SputnikNews.