Presseschau: EZB – Die nichtgewählte Regierung
Counterpunch berichtet über die Veranstaltung im Europaparlament
Die Webseite berichtet über die Veranstaltung „ECB – the unelected government?“ der Linksfraktion GUE/NGL im Europaparlament, welche am 14. Januar 2016 stattfand.
„There follows the summary of a talk given at the European Parliament in Brussels by Eric Toussaint on 14 January 2016 on the occasion of the international meeting organized by the left-wing European Parliamentary Group GUE/NGL (European United Left/Nordic Green Left). The theme was „The ECB, Europe’s unelected government“ (For the full programme, see here).
Eric Toussaint gave his talk on a panel whose moderator was Dimitris Papadimoulis, a SYRIZA MEP. Others speakers on the panel were Marika Frangakis, who heads the economics department of Syriza?s political secretariat, and Pearse Doherty, spokesperson on financial matters for the Irish party, Sinn Fein. On other panels held during this day devoted to the ECB were Gabi Zimmer, DIE LINKE. MEP and president of GUE/NGL, Fabio Di Masi, also a DIE LINKE. MEP, Miguel Urban, an MEP from Podemos, and Harald Schumann who made an excellent documentary on the Troika (see All the talks can be seen on video at
The full article is avaible at