Challenges facing Western Balkans explored in ‘Study Days’ visit
The Left group in the European Parliament will be in Thessaloniki, Greece this week as part of its ‘study days’ in order to meet with regional actors and organisations for the better understanding on pressing issues from a local perspective.
During its three-day visit, GUE/NGL will explore issues such as the rise of right-wing extremism, the situation in the Western Balkans, social dumping, regional inequalities and leftist proposals for inclusive and sustainable development in southeastern Europe.
Speaking ahead of the trip, group president Gabi Zimmer says she is keen to meet local and regional stakeholders, people from the area and other experts in order to discuss the regional situation:
“I’m particularly looking forward to meeting people from the Left as well as other activists from the region. I hope to have excellent discussions with them and to better co-operate on various issues facing the Western Balkans. The Mayor of Thessaloniki will also be joining us on Tuesday morning.”
“Indeed, one of the main subjects to be discussed is the rise of the far-right and extremism in southeastern Europe as they pose a big challenge to many of our friends and allies in the region.”
“Personally, I am also eager to get a better insight into the impact of migration, social dumping and regional inequalities in the area, and we have invited many interesting guests with great expertise and knowledge to join us in Thessaloniki. I hope to have some lively debates with all those involved,” added Zimmer.
GUE/NGL Press Contact: Ben Leung
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