Report – Workshop „The Future of Renewables and the Electricity Market Design in the European Union“
Workshop „The Future of Renewables and the Electricity Market Design in the European Union“, 27 June 2016, European Parliament
organised by GUE/NGL (Left Group in the European Parliament), Rosa-Luxemburg-Foundation Brussels, in cooperation with Transform!
Report by Manuela Kropp, Policy Advisor to MEP Cornelia Ernst, European Parliament
On 30 November 2016 the winter package containing legislative proposals on the new energy market design, the revision of the renewable energy directive and on energy efficiency were published by the European Commission.
The renewable energy directive will contain provisions on the targets set for Member States on their share of renewable energy, on the governance in this field, national support schemes for renewable energy and hopefully provisions benefiting community energy.
The proposal on the new energy market design will touch upon the electricity market and the gas market. Concerning the electricity market, the European Commission (and the conservative rapporteur for the own-initiative report in the European parliament) is planning to deepen the single market for electricity, enhance the cross-border-trade, establish cross-border capacity markets and abolish regulated prices.
The aim of the workshop was to share knowledge on the upcoming legislative proposals, discuss a paper containing demands of members of GUE/NGL for a social, ecological and sustainable energy union and discuss further steps to be taken in order to influence the political discussion.
Please find above the report and the presentations of speakers.
For questions / queries please contact:
Manuela Kropp, Policy Advisor to MEP Cornelia Ernst, Tel. +32 2 2847660
Report of WorkshopPDF-Datei
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Our propsals for a democratic, social and sustainable energy unionPDF-Datei
Unser Konzept für eine soziale, demokratische und nachhaltige EnergieunionPDF-Datei